Nuclear size effects are intertwined with nuclear force effects. 原子核大小的影响与核力的影响纠缠在一起。
They are immune to the nuclear force that strongly influences nucleons. 强烈影响核子的核力对电子是没有作用的。
The submarine is China's first step to build a sea-based nuclear force, which can provide the country with the valuable'second strike'capability. 潜艇是中国建立海-建核力量的第一个步骤,能提供国家拥有宝贵的‘第二次打击’能力。
This allows a short-range phenomenon called the strong nuclear force to take over and causes the nuclei to merge and form helium. 之后会出现强核力占主导作用的短距效应,进而,原子聚合成为氦。
The achievements and the remaining problems of the nucleon structure and nuclear force are reviewed. 评述了核子结构和核力研究取得的成就及存在的问题。
It sought to build up the European project as a counterweight to America and to create its independent nuclear force de frappe. 它力争实现“欧洲计划”即欧盟以抗衡美国并且建立起其独立的核打击力量。
To destroy ( an enemy or enemy target) with more nuclear force than necessary. 超量杀伤用超过必要量的核力量摧毁(敌军或敌军目标)
Quantum field theories for the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force have been developed. 最后威慑力量(指核武器)适合强核力和弱核力的量子场论一直发展。
Scientists believe that gravity, electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force are the Four Basic Forces of the universe. 科学家们认为,万有引力、电磁力、弱力和强力是宇宙中的四种基本作用力。
Get along with you! Don't come bothering me. Nuclear size effects are intertwined with nuclear force effects. 滚开!别来纠缠我。原子核大小的影响与核力的影响纠缠在一起。
The nuclear force can maintain the stability of a nuclei so that it can also maintain the stability of the neutron stars. 这种短程力能使原子核保持稳定,当然也能使带电中子星保持稳定。
The nuclear force is a strategic cornerstone for safeguarding national sovereignty and security. 核力量是维护国家主权和安全的战略基石。
By using meson cloud bag model we calculate the short range nuclear force in the formulation of the relativistic many body theory. 采用介子云口袋模型,在相对论性多体理论的框架中计算了短程核力。
It is concluded that, in order to prevent nuclear war and nuclear blackmail, and safeguard world peace and the national security, Chinese must own their nuclear force. 结论部分指出中国人民为了防止核讹诈,制止核战争,维护世界和平,维护国家安全,就必须拥有自己的核力量。
The Studies of Nuclear Force and Excited State of Nucleon 核力及核子激发态研究
The historical development, the achievement and the remaining problems of the nuclear force and baryon interactions are reviewed in this paper. 本文评述了核力和重子相互作用研究的历程,取得的成就和存在的问题。
De-alerting nuclear force is a hot-point issue in recent years. 近几年来,解除核力量警戒状态是军控界讨论的一个热点问题。
The model of quark-gluon exchange and the model of one pion exchange to unified describe nuclear force 夸克胶子交换模型和单∏交换模型对核力的统一描述
The calculation of equivalent nuclear force potential by CFP expansion on the basis of the quark potential model 在夸克势模型下用CFP展开技术计算等效核力势
A discussion of the strength and the range of the phenomenological nuclear force using experimental data in high energy scattering 从高能散射实验资料讨论唯象核力的强度和力程
The relations between de-alerting and strategy ( including nuclear force, target doctrine and use principle et al.) 该文较系统地叙述了已提出的解除警戒措施;分析了解除警戒与核战略(包括核力量、打击目标原则和使用原则等)、稳定性、先进常规力量和NMD关系;
Nucleon Structure and Nuclear Force 核子结构和核力
Nuclear Force And Russia's Power Status 核力量与俄罗斯的大国地位
Research on Application of Wide Range Nuclear Force Microscope in ultra-precision machining 宽范围原子力显微镜在超精加工中应用研究
NUCLEAR FORCE AND BARYON INTERACTIONS Structure of Pb Isotopes and Residual Interaction 核力和重子相互作用Pb核性质和残余相互作用
Research on the Background of the Intermediate Nuclear Force Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union 美苏签署《消除中程和中短程导弹条约》的背景考察
Based on the cloudy bag model, the short range and long range nuclear force due to the exchange of gluons and pions between quarks are calculated is an unified way by using relativistic many-body theory. 采用相对论性的多体理论方法,在介子云口袋模型的基础上,统一计算了夸克间交换胶子与π介子所给出的核子间相互作用的短程与长程部份。
All of this affected the armament construction of America in this period. America paid more attention to regular force when developing nuclear force. 这些都影响到这时期美国的军备建设&在发展核力量的同时,更加重视发展常规力量。
If the doctrine is the software of nuclear strategy, nuclear force will be its hardware. 如果说核原则是核战略的软件,那么核力量则是核战略的硬件。
During this period, America believed if she could build an nuclear force which could ensure that main cities of the Soviet Union be destroyed, she could block the sudden nuclear attack from the Soviet Union. 这期间,美国认为只要建立一支核力量,能确保摧毁苏联主要城市,就足以阻遏苏联对美国发动核突袭。